Muthalik as Ravana: How to really fight the moral police

I am getting endless invites to join the pink chaddi campaign. The pink chaddi campaign is utterly juvenile. It is generating a lot of PR and buzz for some fringe organization which will revel in it (and so will the pink chaddi brigade).
These do-gooders need to get a clue. Spare me these space cadets who lack the courage to carry out their campaign in Kashmir, where the jehadis have warned that those who celebrate Hallmark Card Day (14th February) will be shot.
What would I do? Here's a thought:
Since Ram Sena names itself after Lord Ram, why not use their ideology to defeat them?
Ergo, only asuras like Ravana harassed women. So Muthalik is like Ravana.
I am carrying out a word of mouth campaign to all the folks I know so it hopefully filters down to the most remote part of Karnataka ( and the rest of India).
You can do the same. If you have anymore workable ideas, please feel free to share them.
Pink chaddi is an elitist and silly idea which is limited to Facebook and some blogs.
For high resolution images, please feel free to email me.
Thank you.
Art Director: Mandar Wadke
Copywriter: Sunil Shibad