Non-Smoking Generation: Spontaneous Combustion

Of all the anti-smoking ads that have made the rounds over the years, this Non-Smoking Generation anti-smoking tv commercial  is one of the more stylish.  With fiery, slo-mo action, the Swedish ad is accompanied by the mysterious yet hysterical lyrics, "I'm naked. I'm numb. I'm stupid. I'm staying. And if Cupid's got a gun, then he's shooting. His bang. You're my drug. We live it. Your drug. You need it. Reload."

Image result for Non-Smoking Generation:  Spontaneous Combustion
The commercial lulls you into its morbid metaphor yet is actually a pleasure to watch. Over and over which, admittedly, is a bit twisted but the message is so perfectly delivered it's hard to turn away.

India has talent. We have some of the best minds. Be it directors, producers, editors, art directors or copywriters. But many non-profits do not take mass communication seriously.  These days in India, NGO folks have raised self-aggrandizement  to an art form.

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