If Pandavas were on Facebook

This image came as an email forward to me with no attribution.
However said creator is deeply offended that I used it without his permission. I apologize for this but what I don't like are the ridiculous comments made on my comment page. Also these guys can't structure a single coherent sentence in English.
To this end I have removed the work of offended creative genius.
A thousand apologies.
Let us not forget the original idea:

krishashok said...

Dude. There are two possibilities here:

1. You received this through an email forward and found it amusing enough to share it everyone on your blog. Fair enough. Just wanted to let you know that I did this back in 2007 and the original link is here - http://krishashok.wordpress.com/2007/11/29/facebook-mahabharatha/
I'd be happy if you attribute this back to me.

2. More unlikely, but you knew this was not yours, and while I have no problems with you reposting my facebook-mahabharatha image on your blog, the least you could do is attribute the creation to me, instead of making it seem like your creation :)

I am inclined towards believing that it is nr 1) so request you to oblige :)
11:37 AM
K said...

You mentioned your experience as copywriter ... Do you mean, copying other's posts and writing them here ????

Ofcourse, new and improved, you copied an image.
12:46 PM
Anonymous said...

Dude ... you are a copy cat!
Please mention krishashok's name..that guy really rocks! n we have read this almost 2 yrs back!
10:48 PM
SelvaGK said...

Yes i Admit, Your are an Experienced Copy Righter! hmmm..!
By the way i think you are not aware of this..!
I recommend you to remove this post or include Ashok name..! Else You need to pay for it..! :)
9:53 AM
വടക്കൂടന്‍ | Vadakkoodan said...

Hmm.... Great work of COPY writing. Keep it up. krish has a lot of good stuff that u might be interested in.
12:06 PM
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