Poetry in motion: A compilation of freestyle football videos

Call it freestyle football, street soccer, parkour or tv commercials, these videos will simply take your breath away. If I have missed any, please post the links in the comments section. Thank you.

1. Ronaldo 1:

2. Roofball:

3. Ronaldo 2:

4. Nike Breakdancing:

5. Nike Freestyle:

6. Santiago:

7. Panna:

8. Jeremy Lynch:

9. Adidas USA versus Mexico:

10. Nike Brazil versus Portugal:

11. Nike Airport:

12. Brahma Beer Bull Fight:

13. Nike Brazil:

14. Nike Joga Bonito Talento:

15. Nike Bavaria:

16. Adidas Jose +10:

17. Adidas Brasil versus Argentina:

And for those into freestyle cricket:

18. Nike Bus:

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