Dead flies as art

Playing with dead insects is something  normally  excusable in children but  weird in adults. Not necessarily when you consider the work of Swedish photographer, Magnus Muhr, who takes the carcasses of dead flies, lays them on paper and  life through a few strokes of his pencil and gives them some dignity after dying.  Magnus Muhr did not harm any flies for his work of art.  Muhr's portfolio ranges from nudes and portraits to landscapes and nature. He regards his dead fly photography as his humorous work.

A moral question: Why is it  okay for us to save and take care of  dogs, cats, tigers, elephants ( and rightly so)   but gleefully squash a bug? Thousand years ago, a great soul Mahavir Jain said that  all should avoid harming or killing any life. Even insects and microbes. Has anyone set up a society for prevention of cruelty to cockroaches or ants or earthworms?

All things bright and beautiful,
All creatures great and small
All things wise and wonderful,
The Lord God made them all.”
~John Rutter
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