Resolutions? You? Well as far I’m concerned you’re perfect the way you are

Resolution? You? Just what are people implying? That you need to change? Well, as far I’m concerned you’re perfect the way you are.

Happy 2011  and I wish the best for every day for the next 365 days.

Initially. I had mailed all New Year’s greetings and not many appreciated my wry sense of humor  it.   But to paraphrase Douglas Adams:

“Sunil  is  a dreamer, a thinker, a speculative philosopher . Or, as the digerati  , would have it, an idiot.”

I empathize with James Joyce’s last words:

“Does nobody understand?"

WikiLeaks exposes your unalienable right to be happy in 2011.

To be what you want to be.

To smile, cry, laugh, sad, worried, joyous or what you want to be.
Julian Assange has shown a video on the day of your birth all around you celebrated.

Since then Big Brother has tried to put you under complete surveillance by his authorities but you have successfully escaped his propaganda of misery and pain .

Time and again.

In fact, Big Brother and the powers that be have surrendered to you and agree they will dance all through 2011 along with you.

~Sunil Shibad
Reporter At Large , Mischievous and Prankster
Mumbai, India.

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