Vintage letterheads of legendary actors, poets and politicians. From Gertrude Stein to Beavis and Butt-head

Letterheady, the fantastic website run by Shaun Usher showcasing interesting letterhead designs, mainly legendary artists, politicians, scientists and corporations . Shaun describes it as, "an online homage to offline correspondence; specifically letters. However, here at Letterheady we don't care about the letter's content. Just its design." What a wonderful resource for ephemera lovers and designers. Here are some examples. From Gertrude Stein to John F Kennedy .  Charles Schulz.  to  Andy Warhol. Harry Houdini 's lettergram  to Mohammed Ali.  Andy Warhol to MTV’s Beavis and Butt-head.

MTV Animation, circa 1995.

Letterhead used by production staff of the TV series Beavis and Butt-head .

Enzo Ferrari, circa 1974.

Harry Houdini, 1923

Letterhead used by Houdini in the 1920s when sending a lettergram (a fast means of written communication similar in many ways to a telegram), complete with pre-printed disclaimer for the accompanying message’s informal, brief nature.  The modern equivalent of tweeting and texting. 

Bob Kane, date unknown

Letterhead used by the Bob Kane, creator of Batman. 

John F  Kennedy, 1960.

Kirk Douglas, date unknown.

Eva Peron's  Partido Peronista Femenino, 1950.

Letterhead used by Argentina’s ‘Peronist Feminist Party’, founded by Eva Peron in the late 1940s.

Playboy, 1955  .

The stylish letterhead used by Hugh Hefner in 1955.  Just two years after the first issue of Playboy was released.

Ray Charles, circa 1990

J D Salinger, date unknown.

Muhammad Ali, 1975.

Charles Schulz, 1958.

Good grief! Yet another letterhead from Schultz . Charlie Brown and his creator, Charles Schultz,  have a common connection in that they are both the sons of barbers.

Stacia, 1973

Fantastic letterhead designed by  Barney Bubbles ( Colin Fulcher) .  Used in 1973 by Stacia, then dancer for the band Hawkwind.

Gertrude Stein, 1937.

Letterhead of the -poet Gertrude Stein. The ring of text reads “Rose is a rose is a rose is a rose” and is a famous line from her poem, ‘Sacred Emily’.

Andy Warhol, date unknown

Just stunning.

Gene Shalit , date unknown
We can only admire the letterhead of   handlenbar–moustached , curly-haired music and critic Gene Shalit.

David Bowie, 1974.

via Shane User. I am ever grateful to him
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