An account planner, art director and copywriter walk into a bar

So this SEO copywriter joke is on Twitter for over a year. It is hilarious.

An SEO copywriter walks into a bar, grill, pub, public house, Irish, bartender, drinks, beer, wine, liquor...”

Just because a Web copywriter can stuff  as many synonyms as possible into a piece in order to attract attention from the search engines, your reader may dismiss your website as being too mechanical and boring.  

Bad writing is bad writing. Good writing is good writing. Be it social media, print, billboard, TV, radio, films, or  billboard.  Any medium. 

Ernest Hemingway once wrote a story in just six words: "For sale: baby shoes, never worn." Isn't it micro blogging? Many in Victorian England wrote diaries. Aren’t they bloggers? How about haiku? Way back in the 16th century, Basho wrote, "Old pond/a frog leaps in/ water’s sound." Perfect for the cell phone.

Would you let me go away without wrapping up the title of this blog post?

An account planner, art director and copywriter walk into a bar.

The art director says, “I’ll have a Scotch on the rocks.”

The copywriter says, “I’ll have Scotch on the rocks too.”

The account planner says, “I’ll have single malt Scotch matured in an oak cask for 25 years.”  

The bartender hands them their drinks.

The art director and copywriter take a sip of their Scotch and wince,"Ugh! That tastes horrible!”

Then both grab the account planner’s glass and guzzle down the single malt Scotch.

The account planner says, “Hey, what the heck are you doing?”

The art director and copywriter say, “Split testing.”

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