European Women’s Lobby : For a change of perspective

"If I had to have sex ten times a day with strangers for a living, at what point would I start to feel sick? From the beginning surely."

 So concludes the voice-over of a thought-provoking PSA  crafted by  French film director Frederique Pollet Rouyer and Belgian film director Patric Jean for  European Women’s Lobby  . 

Nine out of ten women in prostitution  would like to exit the system of prostitution but feel unable to do so. An international study found that 62% of women in prostitution reported having been raped, and 68% of them meet the criteria for Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder in the same range as victims of torture. 

European Women’s Lobby  aims at taking concrete actions to bring about an end to societal tolerance for widespread sexual and economic exploitation of persons in prostitution, the vast majority of whom are women.

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